Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Now Enrolling Preschoolers for Winter 2025Our Online Registration & Payment page is an electronic process for enrolling new students and provides an easy way to pay. This process also provides a convenient way to electronically sign many of the forms that are required annually.
St. Paul Preschool C.A.R.E.S.! Our students are:
Christ-centered Academic Achievers and Responsible Citizens with Exceptional Character and Servants' hearts. Our experienced, talented, and dedicated teachers lovingly work with your children to lay a strong foundation for future learning. We have a safe, caring, and peaceful school environment. We help our students develop strong Christian values to shape their characters to become productive citizens. It gives us great joy to personally know each of our families as we work in partnership with each other to give your child the very best education. We pray that you will join St. Paul Preschool family. We also have chapel service for our kiddos a couple times a month. Our church has access to an extensive video library called RightNow Media! It’s like the “Netflix of Video Bible Stories for kids” and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want —on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.
Note: To access this page you will need our St. Paul password. Please contact our office @ 616-891-8688 if you do not know the St. Paul Lutheran site password.
Classes we offer:
2 day T/TH 3 day M/W/F 5 days Preschool Tuition Assistance Fund
The Preschool Tuition Assistance Fund is available to help families who are financially unable to send their child(ren) to St. Paul Preschool. Please consider donating and when you do please write: "Preschool Assistance Fund" on your envelope. This fund is administered by our Christian Education Team. ![]()
Preschool Wish List: facial tissues, disinfecting wipes, Lysol, peanut & tree nut free snacks such as Keebler Vanilla Wafers, Scooby-Doo Graham Crackers, Rice Krispy Treats, and Goldfish Crackers. Individually wrapped packages work the best for storage, but all sizes are appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who has donated items in the past. Much appreciated! |
St. Paul Lutheran Church and Preschool
8436 Kraft Ave. Caledonia, MI 49316 Phone: 616-891-8688 [email protected] Sunday Worship 8:30am - Worship 9:30am - Fellowship, coffee & donuts 9:45am - Education Hour 11:00am - Worship Communion Service 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of month |