Growing By Faith
Read LCMS president Harrison's letter about the situation surrounding Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and LCMS Recognized Service Organizations.
A letter from President Harrison about LIRS and LCMS RSOs
Sunday Schedule
8:30am - Worship
Communion Service1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of month
9:30am - Fellowship, coffee & donuts
9:45am - Education Hour (See our options)
11:00am - Worship
Winter Weather Closings & Cancellations
- If Caledonia Community Schools are closed due to weather, the church office and Preschool will also be closed.
- The cancelation of other church activities will be announced on our Website, Facebook page and Wood TV 8.
2024 Sunday School Christmas Program
St. Paul's LWML
Dedication of Quilts, Layettes &
School Kits for Lutheran World Relief
School Kits for Lutheran World Relief