March 15, 2020 - Current
Pastor Brand's Bible Studies
The Acts of the Apostles
5-8-21 Acts 19:23-20:1 5-6-21 Acts 19:11-22; The war for souls in Emphasis: a visible turning from the works of evil to the the things of the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul decides to go to Jerusalem passing through the all the churches that were planted on his second missionary journey (in modern day Greece). 4-30-2021 Acts 18:23-19:10: Paul's third missionary journey, he wants to get back to the churches he planted to strengthen them; he spends a long time in Emphasis. The conversion of Apollos by Aquila and Priscilla. Apollos is introduced. 4-29-2021 Acts 18:18-22 Paul is in Corinth for a year and a half equipped with one or both of the books of Matthew and Mark. Then he takes a quick trip back to Antioch. Scriptures that most likely came about towards the end of Paul's 2nd missionary are Galatians, 1 &2 Thessalonians, Paul's first inspired writings. 4-23-2021 Acts 18:1-17 Paul heads to Corinth, an important metropolitan city for trade where the temples were a popular place to appease their gods. The Corinthian culture was steep in unbridled immorality prompting Paul to adjust his strategy. 4-22-2021 Middle to the end of Acts Ch. 17: Continuing on in Athens, a very unique city of its day. Paul changed his message to reach the polytheists. 4-16-2021 Middle of Acts 17; Paul goes to Athens alone, he reasons in the synagogue and gets a hearing in the public square, on Mars Hill (the Areopagus) where he proclaims Christ. 4-15-2021 Beginning of Acts 17: The proclamation of Christ in Thessalonica and Berea, opposition and persecution ensues. 4-2-2021 16:16-40 A situation in Phillippi; Paul is imprisoned and a might act. 4-1-2021 Chapter 16 1-15 Continuation of Paul's second missionary journey. 3-26-2021 Continuation of 3-25's study, finishing with the last 4 apostles. 3-25-2021 Taking a step back from Acts and looking at the missionary activities of the apostles, as a result of the Council, through reliable early Christian sources. 3-19-2021 Acts 15:1-35 Jerusalem Council: The issue of circumcision, the law and the Gentile problem. They unified through seeking out what the scriptures actually teach. 3-18-2021 Acts 14:1-28 Continuation of Paul's first ministry journey. 3-12-2021 Acts 13:16 Paul speaks about the message of salvation. In irony, Paul is telling them what they read in the Synagogue all the time, the scripture, is being fulfilled, but they don't believe it. And, it is the first time there is a real break from the Synagogue, with specific reaching out to the Gentiles. 3-11-2021 Acts 13:1-15 The first missionary journey of Paul: The departure from Antioch of Syria and the ministry on the island of Cyprus. 3-05-2021 Acts 12 The work of Barnabas and Saul in Judea; persecution by Herod; James beheaded, Peter's arrest and release; Herod's death. 3-04-2021 Acts 11:19-30 The work of Barnabas and Saul in Antioch , the 2nd hub of the Christian church. The followers of Jesus are first called Christians in Antioch. 2-26-2021 Acts 11: 1-18 Reaction of the brothers from the Conversion of Cornelius, the account recorded by Peter and the church's statement. 2-25-2021 Acts 10:23-48 Pentecost for the Gentiles: Conversion of Cornelius 2-19-2021 Acts 10:1-23a: The preparation of Gentile ministry, conversion of Cornelius a devote God-fearing Gentile. Peter is starting to address the "Gentile Problem", answering the question, is the Gospel is for ALL people? Yes, it is! 2-18-2021 Acts 9: The narrative shifts to Peter. His miracles and the pre-preparation for ministry and outreach to the Gentiles, 38 AD. The Acts of the Apostles continued:
3-12-2021 Acts 13:16 Paul speaks about the message of salvation. In irony, Paul is telling them what they read in the Synagogue all the time, the scripture, is being fulfilled, but they don't believe it. And, it is the first time there is a real break from the Synagogue, with specific reaching out to the Gentiles. 3-11-2021 Acts 13:1-15 The first missionary journey of Paul: The departure from Antioch of Syria and the ministry on the island of Cyprus. 3-05-2021 Acts 12 The work of Barnabas and Saul in Judea; persecution by Herod; James beheaded, Peter's arrest and release; Herod's death. 3-04-2021 Acts 11:19-30 The work of Barnabas and Saul in Antioch , the 2nd hub of the Christian church. The followers of Jesus are first called Christians in Antioch. 2-26-2021 Acts 11: 1-18 Reaction of the brothers from the Conversion of Cornelius, the account recorded by Peter and the church's statement. 2-25-2021 Acts 10:23-48 Pentecost for the Gentiles: Conversion of Cornelius 2-19-2021 Acts 10:1-23a: The preparation of Gentile ministry, conversion of Cornelius a devote God-fearing Gentile. Peter is starting to address the "Gentile Problem", answering the question, is the Gospel is for ALL people? Yes, it is! 2-18-2021 Acts 9: The narrative shifts to Peter. His miracles and the pre-preparation for ministry and outreach to the Gentiles, 38 AD. 2-11-2021 Saul begins right away going into the streets and synagogues, people are suspicious, he gets pushback and threats, so he heads for the desert of Arabia for 3 years; there he gets a revelation from the Lord. 2-10-2021 Acts 9: 1-19 The road to Damascus event: Saul's conversion and baptism by Ananias, who at first was very skeptical -- until Jesus speaks to him. 02-06-2021 First push out of the Gospel into the known world, not by an apostle, but by one of the deacons who was elevated to evangelistic missionary, Philip. 2-04-2021 Acts 8:1-25 The scattering of the church. Philip the deacon's success at Samaria. Simon the sorcerer baptized. The hypocrisy of Simon detected. 1-29-2021 End of Ch. 7. Stephen finishes his defense before the Sanhedrin and charges the them with not obeying the law of God and calling for Jesus' death. Stephen then stands calm and peaceful while being stoned this event is the catalyst for the church being driven out of Jerusalem. 1-28-2021 Stephen gives his defense as he is on trial before the Sanhedrin. 1-21-2021 The disturbance within resolved; intensifying persecution without (Act 6:1-15) 1-16-2021 Part 1 & 1-16-2021 Part 2 Ch. 5 Despite persecution and suffering, the 12 apostles are continuously in the temple courts in Jerusalem, and they can't help but speak of Jesus. 1-15-2021 Ch.4 The early church, the apostolic church with all the 12 apostles in Jerusalem, experiences persecution. 1-14-2021 Peter's 2nd sermon; beggar healed; persecution starts, 11-13-2020 The conversion of 3000 souls & the beginning of the church. 11-12-2020 Looking at Peter's sermon - the first ever Gospel Sermon. 11-05-2020 - The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the reaction of the crowd, and Peter's explanation. 10-30-2020 The apostles and the 120 waiting for the Spirit, Peter quotes the Psalms, and Selection of Matthias 10-29-2020 Overview, introduction, timeline, & outline of Acts and the ascension of Jesus. Walking through David's Psalms by also walking through his life.
10-23-2020 2 Samuel 24:18-25; Psalm 30, 131, 95 10-22-2020 2 Samuel 23, Psalm 138; God's Judgement of Israel because of the sins of King Saul and David is reminiscing and giving God thanks and praise for continuing to me with him. 10-09-2020 2 Samuel 21-22, Psalm 65 & 18; David recounts all of the help the Lord has given him through the rebellions, the Philistine struggles, and the situation with King Saul. 10-08-2020 2 Samuel 18-21, Psalm36; David leads his troops into battle and through God's intervention, Absolum's rebellion is put down and David is restored as King. Yet David's troubles are not over as challenges keep coming. 10-02-2020 2 Samuel 17:23 - chapter 18-29, Psalm 27 & 28; Something is shifting on Absolum's end as he is heading to get David. David is surprised and energized by wealthy and influential men who bring provisions and comforts. 10-01-2020 2 Samuel 17, Psalm 40; David is still dealing with the coup by his son Absalom. David praises God for protecting and providing for his family in the mist of questions about the future. 09-18--2020 2 Samuel 17, Psalm 4 & 86; Absalom has taken complete control of Jerusalem while David and his family are on the run and settled in Bahurim. It is a time of great uncertainty yet David knows God will make good from this. 09-17-2020 2 Samuel 16, Psalms 61 & 69; David is on the run, his son Absalom has a full blown coup and takeover of the Kingdom. David continues to praise God in the mist of trouble. 09/11/2020 The Game of Thrones - the game for the throne of Israel with many contenders. 08-28-2020 2 Samuel 12:26-31 and Psalm 103 & 33. 08-27-2020 Part 1 and Part 2 2 Samuel 12: We see the result of David's sin; David's confidence is the Lord is restored Psalm 6 & 51. 07-31-2020 2 Samuel 11-12:15 & Psalms 32 David is in Jerusalem and Joab and his army are off doing battle. David sleeps with Bathsheba and later on Nathan rebukes him. 07-30-2020 2 Samuel 8-10 and (Victory) Psalms 144, 60, & 68 The wars had started to settle down and it's a time of peace and prosperity. Handout: Responsive Reading ofPsalm 23 Adaptation 07-23-2020 2 Samuel 7 and Psalm 23; David shares his plans with Nathan for a permanent temple in Jerusalem. But David will only prepare for the building but his son will accomplish it. 07-23-2020 2 Samuel 6:20, Psalm 21, 122, and 145: Details of what happened at the end of the celebration. Michal despises David and the Lord. She rebukes David, prompting him to worships the Lord even more. 07-17-2020 2 Samuel 6:18, Psalm 20, 2, & 110 David was successful in bring the temple/tabernacle up Mt. Zion to Jerusalem. The new nation focuses on who they serve, Yahweh. 07-16-2020 2 Samuel 6-17 and Psalms 24 & 20. Things are going well in Israel. With great joy they dance into Jerusalem with a second processional liturgy for the second movement of the arc. 07-10-2020 2 Samuel 6 & Psalms 68 & 15 David teaches and prepares the people of God as he repairs the nation. Among other things, the Psalms reflect David's deep belief and trust in the Lord. 07-09-2020 2 Samuel 5:17-25; Psalm 124 & 139; David defeats the Philistines and there is a moment of peace for the nation of Israel. Among other things, today's Psalms speak volumes about the Spirit of the Living God in our lives. 07-02-2020 2 Samuel 5, Psalms 133 & 101; David continues to prosper; The kingdoms of Judah and Israel are united as Gods people and this unity brings spiritual and physical blessing. 06-26-2020 1 Samuel 26 -2 Samuel 5:10; David laments over Saul and Jonathon's death; David is anointed King of Judah, Psalm 140 of rescue and deliverance; Israel and Judah are in a civil war. 06-25-2020 End of 1 Samuel Psalm 63 & 39 "Repentance and total trust in the Lord." 06-19-2020 1 Samuel 24 Saul heads to Jerusalem but does not stop pursuing David. Psalm 57 & 58; Merciful protection for David and angry sorrow 06-18-2020 1 Samuel 23, Psalm 54; Saul continues to pursue David, while Jonathon is still an advocate for David. 05-23-2020 1 Samuel 23 & Psalms 55 & 31 05-22-2020 1 Samuel 22: 6-23 & Psalm 16 & 17; Psalms for safe keeping and judicial appeal. 05-21-2020 1 Samuel 22:6-23 & Psalm 52 & 35; Saul goes to the extreme to track David down. 05-16-2020 1 Samuel 22:3-5 & Psalm 64 05-15-2020 Part 8 1 Samuel 22:1&2, David finds refuge in a cave near the valley of Adullam. 05-14-2020 Part 7 1 Samuel 21, David is all alone, goes into hiding; Psalm 56 & 34 05-09-2020 Part 6 David is on the run as Saul continues to rage against and pursue him; Psalms 22 & 7. 05-08-2020 Part 5 David at 30, difficult years ahead; David reaches out to Jonathan. 05-07-2020 Part 4 David at 27 & 29 Threats of Saul are unrelenting; Psalms 59 & 25 Call for relief and safety. 05-02-2020 Part 3 David at 19 and 25; Psalms 5 & 12. 05-01-2020 Part 2 David at 17; Goliath - Psalms 8 & 9. 04-30-2020 Part 1 Intro, explanations, road map, and David at 13 years old Handout: The Bidding Prayer Post Resurrection 04-25-2020 Jesus' Ascension 04-24-2020 The Establishment of God's Apostolic Work. John 21 Pastor Brand references The Litany 04-23-2020 The Sea of Tiberias - The appearance of Jesus to 7 of the apostles. John 21 04-18-2020 The Upper Room Handout: "Prayer at the Time of Epidemic" CFW Walther 04-17-2020 The road to Emmaus Maundy Thursday to Easter 04-16-2020 What was Satan up to? And, Jesus's Descent into Hell. A close look at the timeline of Good Friday to Easter. Pastor Brand references this TIMELINE - Good Friday to Easter Sunday 04-11-2020 Saturday of Holy Week Handout: Did Jesus rise from the dead? 04-11-2020 The burial of Jesus, the Events on Saturday, the Resurrection and The Bribe 04-10-2020 From John's Gospel: The trial and crucifixion of Jesus Pastor Brand referenced the (musical version of the litany) Choral Litany Handout: 12 Reasons Jesus Trial was Illegal 04-09-2020 From John's Gospel: Examining and expanding on the details of Maundy Thursday Handout: 12 Reasons Jesus Trial was Illegal A close look at John's Gospel; The immediate background to the passion 04-04-2020 Part 3 04-03-2020 Part 2 04-02-2020 Part 1 The Litany (for Help, Protection and Healing) (Referenced by Pastor Brand in his above Bible study. Prayed by the individual, or responsively by family) |
Pastor Miller's Bible Studies
Join us each day as we walk through the Portals of Prayer this week. Pick up your copy of the Portals of Prayer at church. 10-14-2020 Greek Study of Matthew 26:26-28 Jesus said, "This is my body...." 10-06-2020 James 1:4 Greek Study 09-29-2020 James 1:2 & 3 Greek Study 09-24-2020 James 1:1 Greek Study 09-09-2020 Matthew 28:20 Greek Study 09-08-2020 Matthew 29:19 Greek Study 09-01-2020 John 3:16 - General overview of the Greek 08-31-2020 Psalm 25:4-5, Ephesians 5:1-2, “Imitators” 08-29-2020 Psalm 62:1-2, John 21:18-24, “My Grace Is Sufficient For YOU” 08-28-2020 Psalm 85, Romans 8:31-39, “My Grace Is Sufficient FOR You” 08-27-2020 Psalm 81:10, John 6:1-13, “My Grace Is SUFFICIENT For You” 08-25-2020 Psalm 86:1-7, Ephesians 1:3-10, “My GRACE is Sufficient for you” 08-24-2020 Psalm 95:1-6, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, “My Grace is sufficient for you” 08-22-2020 Psalm 9:9-10, John 14:12, “In Jesus’ Name” 08-21-2020 Psalm 8:3-4, Matthew 1:21-25, “Name Him Jesus” 08-20-2020 Ezekiel 36:16-27, Psalm 79:8-10, “God’s Reputation” 08-19-2020 Exodus 20:1-7, Psalm 99:1-5: “OMG” 08-18-2020 Genesis 32:22-29, Psalm 20:1-5: “A New Name” 08-17-2020 Exodus 3:13-17, Psalm 147:1-6: “Who needs a name?” 08-15-2020 “Heart Conditions”, Psalm 119:33-40 & Mark 12:13-17 08-14-2020 Psalm 112, Mark 8:31-38: “Happy Endings” 08-13-2020 “Who do you say He is?”, Psalm 107:1-3, Mark 8:27-30 08-12-2020 “Up Close and Personal”, Mark 5:21-34, Psalm 147:7-11 08-11-2020 “Faith over fear”, Mark 4:35-41, Psalm 56:8-11 “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” - Mark 4:40 08-10-2020 08-08-2020 “Pure in Heart”, Matthew 18:1-6, Psalm 119:9-16, Matthew 5:8: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” 08-07-2020 “The Merciful” Matthew 9:9-13, Psalm 86:8-13, Matthew 5:7: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” 08-06-2020 Ephesians 4:17-24, Psalm 97, Matthew 5:6: “Blesses are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” 08-05-2020 “The Meek” Matthew 26:47-54, Psalm 37:8-17, Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” 08-04-2020 “They who Mourn”, Matthew 23:37-39, Psalm 91:1-8, Mathew 5:4; “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” 08-03-2020 Matthew 5:1-12, Psalm 103:13-22, Matthew 5:3 07-21-2020 Discussion of the Mission of the Church and what it means to be reset by the Gospel 06-16-2020 Today we discuss verses about how to understand the Biblical view on prosperity, then we will cover how to identify the Prosperity Gospel message, and then practice what we've learned! 06-15-2020 Today we discuss what is the Prosperity Gospel, how to identify it, and the history of it. 06-10-2020 Join Pastor Miller finishes up discussing the 6 Chief Parts: Confession, and the Sacrament of the Altar. 06-09-2020 Pastor Miller discusses the 3rd & 4th Chief Parts: the Lord's Prayer, and Baptism. 06-08-2020 Pastor Miller dives into the first 2 Chief Parts of the 6 Chief Parts: The 10 Commandments and the Creed. 06-03-2020 Final section of Christ's Sermon on the Mount 06-02-2020 Sermon on the Mount Part 2 Take 2 06-02-2020 The middle section of Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Take 1 06-01-2020 Christ's teachings from His sermon on the mount. 05-27-2020 Fear in the World 05-26-2020 Fear of the Lord 05-20-2020 Joy - In the Body and the Blood 05-19-2020 Joy in the Waters 05-18-2020 Joy in the World 05-13-2020 The Epic of Christ in Post Modernism 05-12-2020 The Comedy of Secularism Handout: Hope: The Comedy of Secularism 05-11-2020 The Tragedy of Judaism Handout: Hope: The Tragedy of Judaism 05-06-2020 1 Thessalonians 5 05-05-2020 1 Thessalonians 4 05-04-2020 1 Thessalonians 3 04-29-2020 1 Thessalonians 1 & 2 04-28-2020 Colossians 4 04-27-2020 Colossians 3 04-22-2020 Colossians 2 04-21-2020 Colossians 1 4-20-2020 Philippians 4 04-15-2020 Philippians 3 (There was a technical error and here is the second part of the above study HERE) 04-14-2020 Philippians 2 04-13-2020 Philippians 1 04-06-2020 Bible Study with Pastor Miller - Ephesians chapter 4. See it HERE. 04-01-2020 Bible Study with Pastor Miller - Ephesians Chapter 3. See it HERE. 03-31-2020 Bible Study with Pastor Miller - Ephesians Chapter 2 See it HERE. 03-30-2020 Bible Study with Pastor Miller - Ephesians Chapter 1 See it HERE. |