"You're all familiar with the Christmas song,
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" I think. To most it's a delightful nonsense rhyme set to music. But ti had a quite serious purpose when ti was written. It is a good deal more than just a repetitious melody with pretty phrases and a list of strange gifts. Persecuted Christians in England during the 16" and 17 Century made up the song as a secret code and used it to teach some of the high points of the Christian faith..." Pastor Brand. See our January Newsletter for a deeper study of the gifts our True Love gave to us.
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" I think. To most it's a delightful nonsense rhyme set to music. But ti had a quite serious purpose when ti was written. It is a good deal more than just a repetitious melody with pretty phrases and a list of strange gifts. Persecuted Christians in England during the 16" and 17 Century made up the song as a secret code and used it to teach some of the high points of the Christian faith..." Pastor Brand. See our January Newsletter for a deeper study of the gifts our True Love gave to us.
St. Paul Mobile App
The St. Paul Lutheran Church and Preschool in Caledonia, MI mobile app is packed with features to help you pray, learn, and interact with the church community.
The St. Paul Lutheran Church and Preschool in Caledonia, MI mobile app is packed with features to help you pray, learn, and interact with the church community.
Kids Bible Club is an after school program that teaches kids (K-5th) the truth of Jesus through Bible stories.
We will be in need of a few more adult leaders for Kids Bible Club. This is a great opportunity to serve and teach young students @ Emmons Lake Elementary School in Caledonia. Please contact Pastor David @ 616-915-2055
The program runs most every Monday of the school year.
Kids Bible Club is an after school program that teaches kids (K-5th) the truth of Jesus through Bible stories.
We will be in need of a few more adult leaders for Kids Bible Club. This is a great opportunity to serve and teach young students @ Emmons Lake Elementary School in Caledonia. Please contact Pastor David @ 616-915-2055
The program runs most every Monday of the school year.
Go to our monthly Service Assignments
VBS (Vacation Bible School) is is a fun summer program that allows kids preschool-5th grade to learn about the many ways God has touched all of our lives. It is divided into four different stations each night. We start out with singing and then the kids will do a game, a craft, have a snack and listen to a Bible Story. We then wrap up the night as a group.
To see the confirmands' pictures and testimonies, click here.
Message from Pastor Brand regarding Worship Services and Activities: "Blessings and peace to all as we...."
Message from Pastor Brand regarding Worship Services and Activities: January 7, 2021 Letter
Our Worship Schedule
8:30am Worship
9:30am Fellowship coffee & donuts
9:45am Education Hour
11:00am Worship
Please see our sign-up for worship and our social distancing policies.
Communion is the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of month.
Communion: Here at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Caledonia, MI, we believe the body and blood of Christ are really present in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper for the forgiveness of sins. Only those who share this belief should commune with us.
8:30am Worship
9:30am Fellowship coffee & donuts
9:45am Education Hour
11:00am Worship
Please see our sign-up for worship and our social distancing policies.
Communion is the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of month.
Communion: Here at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Caledonia, MI, we believe the body and blood of Christ are really present in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper for the forgiveness of sins. Only those who share this belief should commune with us.
Monthly Service Assignments (See Quick Link above)
Al Anon is meeting on Monday nights at 7:30pm.
Bible Study at 10am on Sundays with coffee.
Men’s prayer breakfast- 2nd Thursday of the month at 9:30am at Big Boy in Wayland.
Euchre Night restarting the second Saturday of the month at 7pm in the Gym.
Monthly Service Assignments (See Quick Link above)
Al Anon is meeting on Monday nights at 7:30pm.
Bible Study at 10am on Sundays with coffee.
Men’s prayer breakfast- 2nd Thursday of the month at 9:30am at Big Boy in Wayland.
Euchre Night restarting the second Saturday of the month at 7pm in the Gym.
Pastor Brand's letter to the congregation; 9/17/2020 |
NO MORE RSVP for Sunday Worship: See Pastor Brand's video (below) and letter for more information.
Worship Schedule
Sunday worship services:
8:30 am and 11:00 am.
We will continue Facebook live streaming our 11am service on our Facebook page.
Communion is the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of month.
Our next Mask & Social Distance" Service is Wednesday November, 15th @ 7:00 pm. See below for more information.
Sunday worship services:
8:30 am and 11:00 am.
We will continue Facebook live streaming our 11am service on our Facebook page.
Communion is the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of month.
Our next Mask & Social Distance" Service is Wednesday November, 15th @ 7:00 pm. See below for more information.
Pastor Brand addresses changes to our Sunday morning worship procedures and discusses our Wednesday night "Mask & Social Distance" service.
NO MORE RSVP for Sunday: See Pastor Brand's video and letter for more information.
RSVP HERE for our 7:00 pm Wednesday, September 23rd "Mask & Social Distance" Service. See Pastor Brand's video and/or letter to the congregation for more information.
RSVP HERE for our 7:00 pm Wednesday, September 23rd "Mask & Social Distance" Service. See Pastor Brand's video and/or letter to the congregation for more information.
Rev. Steven and Martha Mahlburg LCMS website: www.lcms.org/mahlburg
Our St. Paul Kid's virtual Sunday School online ZOOM: Thank you to Jim Seifert, Patti Troost, Tammi Elenbaas, Deb Merchant, and Paula & Todd Kunst for their dedication to this special event.
- Each week the kids were asked to bring 5 items to the meeting which pertain to the day's Bible story. This way they earned points which they normally would get for their memory work.
- The older kids enjoyed their "Todd time!"
- With arms raised, they are singing, "He is Risen!"
- Each week the kids were asked to bring 5 items to the meeting which pertain to the day's Bible story. This way they earned points which they normally would get for their memory work.
- The older kids enjoyed their "Todd time!"
- With arms raised, they are singing, "He is Risen!"
See below for our public worship - social distancing instructions and RSVP/sign-ups.
Click here to RSVP/ Sign-up for our 10:00 September , Worship Service on our south lawn. The page is passcode protected - it is the same passcode as our Prayer Chain page. Please contact Coralie Miller if you need the passcode.
Worship Schedule
Sunday worship services: 8:30 am and 11:00 am. See below for public worship social distancing instructions and RSVP/sign-ups. Plus, we will continue Facebook live streaming at 11am.
Sunday worship services: 8:30 am and 11:00 am. See below for public worship social distancing instructions and RSVP/sign-ups. Plus, we will continue Facebook live streaming at 11am.
Our preschool HARVEST FAIR AUCTION FUNDRAISING EVENT is on again for fall 2020. Thank you for all your donations and participation in past Harvest Fares. Please consider contributing (again) to this worth cause. Funds raised in the past have greatly supported our preschool and future funds raised may be put toward a new teacher lap-top computer and a light table for the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) area. Questions? See Coralie Miller, Deb Merchant, or Julie Rop.
Download the free SHOPAROO app onto your phone. Choose St. Paul Lutheran Church and Preschool. Snap pictures of your receipts from any store. Shoparoo will make a cash donation for every receipt! Give your receipts to Coralie Miller. If you would like them returned, note that! A BIG thank you to those who already participate!
Download the free SHOPAROO app onto your phone. Choose St. Paul Lutheran Church and Preschool. Snap pictures of your receipts from any store. Shoparoo will make a cash donation for every receipt! Give your receipts to Coralie Miller. If you would like them returned, note that! A BIG thank you to those who already participate!
The next book discussion will be held Sunday, March 15, 3-5PM at Marlee Stouffer's house. The discussion will be about Laurine Snelling's book, "Half Finished" . Snacks provided as well. Book availability is limited at local libraries, purchase online thru Amazon or call 616-250-1354 to see if a fast reader can share their copy with you.
All are welcome to join this Book Club! You can come once or every month. Bring a friend or neighbor who may enjoy the opportunity to discuss a new book every month. Snacks provided. Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon. All are welcome!! Questions? Call 616-250-1354
Ian Morgan Cron's "Changing Francis: A Pilgrim's Tale".
Jacob's Bell by John Snyder
"Happily Ever After", by Susan May
"Paper Angels", by Jimmy Wayne
"Where Shadows Meet", by Colleen Coble
"The Brind of Ivy Green", by Julie Klausen
"In His Steps", by Charles M. Sheldon
"Paper Hearts", by Courtney Walsh
All are welcome to join this Book Club! You can come once or every month. Bring a friend or neighbor who may enjoy the opportunity to discuss a new book every month. Snacks provided. Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon. All are welcome!! Questions? Call 616-250-1354
Ian Morgan Cron's "Changing Francis: A Pilgrim's Tale".
Jacob's Bell by John Snyder
"Happily Ever After", by Susan May
"Paper Angels", by Jimmy Wayne
"Where Shadows Meet", by Colleen Coble
"The Brind of Ivy Green", by Julie Klausen
"In His Steps", by Charles M. Sheldon
"Paper Hearts", by Courtney Walsh
We are in need ot a few more adult leaders for Kids Bible Club. Most Mondays 3-5pm. This is a great opportunity to serve and teach young students @ Emmons Lake Elementary School in Caledonia. Please contact Vicar David @ 616-915-2055
We are in need ot a few more adult leaders for Kids Bible Club. Most Mondays 3-5pm. This is a great opportunity to serve and teach young students @ Emmons Lake Elementary School in Caledonia. Please contact Vicar David @ 616-915-2055
We are in need of a few more mentors at Emmons Lake. There are three other children who could use a mentor. We currently have seven mentors from St. Paul working with children. If you feel you have the time to make a difference in a child's life, please contact Debbie or Paul. This would involve one hour per week to be arranged between you and the teacher. Debbie Born @ 616-560-6942 or Paul Kakelman @ 616-446-4060.
We are in need of a few more mentors at Emmons Lake. There are three other children who could use a mentor. We currently have seven mentors from St. Paul working with children. If you feel you have the time to make a difference in a child's life, please contact Debbie or Paul. This would involve one hour per week to be arranged between you and the teacher. Debbie Born @ 616-560-6942 or Paul Kakelman @ 616-446-4060.
Calling all singers! St. Paul Choir: Thursdays at 7:00
Singers of all levels and voices are welcome. Questions? Please call Heather @ 616-891-1943 or [email protected]
The Bells of St. Paul are rehearsing on Wednesday evenings from 6-7p. Please prayerfully consider joining us. All experience levels are welcome. If you have any questions call Dawn Franchetti, Handbell Director @ 616-275-1038.
Singers of all levels and voices are welcome. Questions? Please call Heather @ 616-891-1943 or [email protected]
The Bells of St. Paul are rehearsing on Wednesday evenings from 6-7p. Please prayerfully consider joining us. All experience levels are welcome. If you have any questions call Dawn Franchetti, Handbell Director @ 616-275-1038.
Baby Layette supplies needed for Ladies Aid: Once again it is garage sale time and we are looking for sleepers, socks, onesies, hoodies (size 6-24 month). There will be a yellow crib in the hallway near the nursery where you can place the items. Plus, we are always looking for flat sheets for our quilts. Thank you for all your help! Ladies Aid would no be able to do all we do with out you! PLUS, its time to get back to our regular schedule. We meet at 10am to work on quilts for Lutheran World Relief until noon. Potluck mean at noon followed by a short devotion by Pastor Brand or Vicar Miller. New faces are especially welcome!
Ladies Aid
Ladies Aid next will be meeting March 12, 2020
Quilting (not the complicated version) will begin at 10am. At 12noon we will enjoy our potluck meal.
Everyone, including spouses, are welcome!
- Meetings are the second Thursday of each month, September through May at 10:00 am.
- We sew and tie quilts for World Relief and also collect and pack items for baby layettes for World Relief and have a potluck lunch at noon followed by a short devotion by Pastor Brand or Vicar Miller.
- We are always looking for flat sheets for our quilts.
- Everyone is welcome. New faces are especially welcome!
Baker Book House
Kent District Library/Caledonia KDL-Caledonia
Baker Book House
Kent District Library/Caledonia KDL-Caledonia
Meets Monday nights 7-9p.m., & Tuesday mornings 9:30-11:30 a.m. Meeting in The Study. Child care is available during the Tuesday a.m. study.
Any questions call Sally @ 616-516-6277
During the COVID shutdown, It's Our Mission: Period is not meeting. Stay tuned as the Stay at Home Order is gradually lifted.
Any questions call Sally @ 616-516-6277
During the COVID shutdown, It's Our Mission: Period is not meeting. Stay tuned as the Stay at Home Order is gradually lifted.
Sis in Faith Ladies Day Out - Saturday, March 28, 2020
Whitneyville Bible Church Women's Ministries is sponsoring a Community Ladies Day Our on Saturday, March 28 from 9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. There will be two featured speakers: Rebecca McDonald will speak on: "Seeing the Unseen - Trafficking Awareness and Protection" and Amelia Rhodes will speak on: Pray A to Z: The Power of a Praying Community". RSVP 616-891-8661. The church is located at 8655 Whitneyville Rd. (2 miles east of M-37 between 84th and 92nd St.
If you have any questions please contact Mary Bustraan by phone: 616-891-1652 or email: [email protected]
Whitneyville Bible Church Women's Ministries is sponsoring a Community Ladies Day Our on Saturday, March 28 from 9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. There will be two featured speakers: Rebecca McDonald will speak on: "Seeing the Unseen - Trafficking Awareness and Protection" and Amelia Rhodes will speak on: Pray A to Z: The Power of a Praying Community". RSVP 616-891-8661. The church is located at 8655 Whitneyville Rd. (2 miles east of M-37 between 84th and 92nd St.
If you have any questions please contact Mary Bustraan by phone: 616-891-1652 or email: [email protected]
It's time to cut, sew, trace, snap, and pack.
We will meet in the Gathering Place from 9:30a-12p on: March 10, April 14, & May 12.
Come and go as you please. Questions? Call Mary S. @ 616-293-4461
It's Our Mission: Period.org
TOGETHER WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! It's Our Mission Period 2018 Annual Update
We will meet in the Gathering Place from 9:30a-12p on: March 10, April 14, & May 12.
Come and go as you please. Questions? Call Mary S. @ 616-293-4461
It's Our Mission: Period.org
TOGETHER WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! It's Our Mission Period 2018 Annual Update
The Breakfast Club meets at 8:30 a.m. the last Monday of the month at Fortune Chef in Caledonia.
Come one time or every time. All are welcome!
Come one time or every time. All are welcome!
St Paul's Lutheran Kids Sunday School Zoom Meeting, Sunday, May 10, 2020
Pre-K - 1st grades 9:15am – 9:45am
2nd - 6th grades 9:50am – 10:20am
Pre-K - 1st grades 9:15am – 9:45am
2nd - 6th grades 9:50am – 10:20am
Quick Links
In addition, our daily Bible studies are live streamed @ 10:00a.m (Mon. - Sat.) via our Facebook page.
We had an online event Palm Sunday: St. Paul Kid's virtual Sunday School
We will be using Zoom. Zoom is very similar to using Skype. If you are a first time user you will have to download Zoom. The following link will prompt you to download, then follow the instructions to join.
Click here to JOIN (or download the Zoom app) our Kid's virtual Sunday School.
You may need these:
Meeting ID: 470 500 541
Password: 236844
If you are on a lap/desk top you will also have to follow the above link to download the program and then join.
There will be a Bible story and sing alongs. Plus, kids, we have items we would like you to collect for the virtual Sunday school. If you collect these items we will give you points. Five points for 5-6 items, four points for 4 items, etc. We will also give you a point for attending the meeting just like we do in Sunday School. If you have more than one person in Sunday School you just need to collect one set of items and all members in the family will get their points. The items you need to bring are 1) palms 2) coat/blanket/cloth 3) Bible 4) bread 5) juice box or juice in a glass 6) stuffed donkey.
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We will be using Zoom. Zoom is very similar to using Skype. If you are a first time user you will have to download Zoom. The following link will prompt you to download, then follow the instructions to join.
Click here to JOIN (or download the Zoom app) our Kid's virtual Sunday School.
You may need these:
Meeting ID: 470 500 541
Password: 236844
If you are on a lap/desk top you will also have to follow the above link to download the program and then join.
There will be a Bible story and sing alongs. Plus, kids, we have items we would like you to collect for the virtual Sunday school. If you collect these items we will give you points. Five points for 5-6 items, four points for 4 items, etc. We will also give you a point for attending the meeting just like we do in Sunday School. If you have more than one person in Sunday School you just need to collect one set of items and all members in the family will get their points. The items you need to bring are 1) palms 2) coat/blanket/cloth 3) Bible 4) bread 5) juice box or juice in a glass 6) stuffed donkey.
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SERVANT SATURDAY -- Oct 12 --9a-2p
We will have 2 teams of people going out to homes of members helping them with minor repairs and fall clean up projects. Prayerfully consider signing up to be a part of this Servant Event. There is a sign up sheet on the table by the office. Any questions, talk with Pastor.
We will have 2 teams of people going out to homes of members helping them with minor repairs and fall clean up projects. Prayerfully consider signing up to be a part of this Servant Event. There is a sign up sheet on the table by the office. Any questions, talk with Pastor.
Meet the Ministry Governance Board
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.