The Adventure Begins
for our 2024 confirmands!
Confirmation is a rite in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) that allows young people to publicly confess their faith and pledge their loyalty to Christ.
"This is where parents, called church workers, lay teachers, grandparents, peers and congregations can make a huge difference. As a team, we can help young people develop a Law-Gospel view of God’s character as a seeking and sending God, be clear about their identity as disciples of Jesus Christ, be grasped by the power of the Gospel, stand on the solid foundation of the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, have a vision of one’s role in the mission of Christ’s church and live daily in the light of one’s Baptism." Marvin Bergman, "Commentary: "Confirmation — more than a 'graduation'." LCMS Reporter
"This is where parents, called church workers, lay teachers, grandparents, peers and congregations can make a huge difference. As a team, we can help young people develop a Law-Gospel view of God’s character as a seeking and sending God, be clear about their identity as disciples of Jesus Christ, be grasped by the power of the Gospel, stand on the solid foundation of the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, have a vision of one’s role in the mission of Christ’s church and live daily in the light of one’s Baptism." Marvin Bergman, "Commentary: "Confirmation — more than a 'graduation'." LCMS Reporter